Our one-of-a-kind LNP Knowledge Base is an extensive library of more than 700 service providers porting information.

Our library is full of information that provides you and your team with the knowledge you need to submit, escalate, manage and resolve all kinds of issues with your LNP orders.  Local Number Portability is a difficult task, ask anyone who has ever tried to request a port, while meeting strict deadlines. 

Whether you employ automation or send emails, obtaining order confirmation on LNP orders is a daunting task. Success is based on what you know, who you know, and how well you can navigate the complex trading partners landscape.  Our easy to search database solves the knowledge gap.

SPID Directory

A searchable directory of SPIDs contain a detailed profile of each service provider. Quick and easy search capabilities allow you to sort by company name or SPID name. With each SPID you'll discover request portal links, email addresses, submissions suggestions, and any related SPID's.

Escalation Lists

Local number portability isn't just one of the most important steps in all of Service Delivery, it's the most complex. Maintaining your ability to escalate and connect to the right people can be critical to a successful cutover, avoiding an unnecessary outage, or navigating a successful snap back.


X3i is committed to building and maintaining up to date and accurate information about as many Service Providers and processes as possible.  

Provisioning Notes

With each order depending on it's size, it's timeframe, service type and of course, the losing carrier, it is common to have a new specific process to navigate. Our knowledge base aims to simplify your team's ability to source this information and maintain ordering efficiency.

Real Time Training

Our knowledge database is entirely customizable. Do you have process documents, procedures or training materials you'd like to see added? We can convert and import your data and allow your admins to maintain your data. Make it easy to keep your team on track and following the right process!

Ready to Start Learning?

With nearly 800 SPID profiles there is far too much information to manage LNP any other way. Every LNP team needs a knowledge base to keep even your most experienced LNP provisioner working efficiently and effectively.

training support

Our knowledge database is perfect for employees who are just starting out in LNP.  It’s also helpful for Network Operational employees who are in LNP support positions.  With access to each carrier’s escalation lists and specific provisioning notes you can turn your most inexperienced LNP support staff into experts. 

Interested in Knowledge Base?

start your free trial today!